I took a few hours one afternoon last week to surf the web. That can be a tedious occupation, but at other times it's immensely rewarding.
This time I felt rewarded when I discoverd several great blogs. I added three to my blogroll (see sidebar), and I'd like to say something about each.
Conversion Diary is written by a former atheist who tells her story in a sidebar article. The blog is a journal of her walk with God since her conversion. Her story is incredible partly because it's an intellectual journey; but, what would one expect from an atheist? Her life with God, however, takes her into the world of relationship. Of special interest to me, she's currently seeking God about her diet and weight. Her spiritual home is with the Catholic Church, perhaps Orthodox.
The Greatest Missionary Trip is written by a gal has lived many years with the blessings and joys of a blended family. The spiritual history of her and husband's spiritual history are also fascinating. In some ways I couldn't relate, because the experience is not ours; on the other hand, human nature is universal regardless of the circumstances. I suspect they're evangelicls.
Tiffany Ann Lewis is written by a young women with a ministry within the Pentecostal/Charismatic community. Again, so interesting as she shares her observations, struggles, insights. In addition to the blog, she publishes a monthly message.
The doctrinal spectrum of these gals is wide, but they're all responding to the same Jesus. I was blessed beyond words when reading their stories and the journals of their life with God.
On the other hand, I find it hard to not feel pangs of despair or jealousy when I come across quality sites. Most blogs are written by young people with agile minds and they're comfortable in the world of computers.
Then, I reminded myself of something I read by Phil Callaway recently. It said, in part:
You are not old . . .
. . .
. . .
until you begrudge the spotlight
turned on a younger generation . . . .
Writing has opened doors for me twice. Once when we had children and I wanted a little extra money without working outside the home. It did that and more, it introduced me to another world. This time around, I will have to admit I couldn't have even tried had God not dealt with me about a few things. That's a subject for another day.
Happy surfing. I think you'll enjoy these people if you take the time. Just remember to come back here.
Evaluating Priorities
15 years ago
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