Of course I know God is everywhere present. It’s one of His unexplainable characteristics that we know to be true because we’ve seen Him at work. Plus, He tells us as much in the Bible.
But it’s always nice when He lets us experience Him, especially if we’re in the middle of something new, strange, or challenging. And we had an unusual Easter this year.
First, our worship experience was different.
Because of the flood, a major dike runs down the road between our church and the Red River of the North. We didn’t meet at all one Sunday—most churches didn’t, due to a blizzard. On Palm Sunday we met in a theatre. On Thursday we had our one-and-only Holy Week service in an auxiliary room of the Assembly of God Church. Yesterday, on Easter Sunday, we met in the South High School auditorium. This space is familiar to Ken and I because we go there for our grandchildren’s concerts. The space was big enough to accommodate the congregation with two services. There was a decent stage for our worship band. But by this time our plight is familiar and TV cameras were present. The entire scenario irritated me—until we started to worship. And God showed up.
Second, our family experience was different.
Ken and I were alone. Although this has always been a time for the families of our children’s spouses, we usually spend time with one or the other when they’re on their way or coming back. The only interaction this year was a quick drop-off of small gifts for the local grandchildren—who are kinda embarrassed that grandma still gives them something for Easter—don’t let them know I told you.
At some point I decided the celebration was bigger than family. We scaled down our dinner from ham with the trimmings—Ken grilled steaks and I made pilaf and salad. In the afternoon I read Anne Rice’s Jesus Christ: the Road to Cana. Guess what? We had a wonderful day, and God showed up.
Third, my writing experience was different.
Since I felt impressed to take time off from Red, Red Berries, I’ve focused on my third blog, Thoughts for Inspiration—adapting and editing way ahead. Now, on one hand, working on Thoughts is a blessing because it fulfills a Word I felt God gave me. On the other hand, it’s old material. I’ve referred to individual pieces as relics from my past. But I feel I have to complete the task, so I keep going.
I’m working on July now—hardly related to Lent or Easter. I was so intent I only posted once last week for this blog.
Blog readers are interesting. According to my confusing stat counter, this blog has picked up a few readers. If I only post once a week, they fall off—which will probably happen after last week. Sorry. As for Red, Red Berries, I think I personally know everyone who ever logged on—just a handful, although I felt it was my most important writing. But Thoughts receives occasional hits from other countries, and some spend a little time. None have returned, but I get excited every time, because that blog focuses totally on Scripture.
I have no idea what triggers these hits—well, maybe I have an idea now. On Wednesday and Thursday I made some changes in the format—going back to the beginning of the year. On Saturday I decided to look at the confusing stats—and it indicated 109 hits. Really. 109 hits!
About 60 were from me from when I changed the format of the short individual posts. The rest came from South America, Europe, the Mideast, Asia—and a few from the states. Most stayed briefly—they may or may not have read the short one-day posting. But many stayed between five to twelve minutes. One—from Turkey—stayed over 53 minutes. (Maybe they had a phone call and didn’t log off? Oh, where do I get those negative thoughts.)
Were the people who spent time already Christians? Were they searching for God instead of a god? Were they looking for a Word about Jesus? Were they simply mildly interested? Could God use this? Did God use this?
I know I can’t log on to Thoughts 60 times a day to generate hits from other parts of the world. But I sure called Ken in to look at the stats with me, and the two of us marveled. Of course, I had to check the day’s postings to read what they read. Holy Week material. Let me just say, I felt our God showed up.
Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him!
Evaluating Priorities
15 years ago
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